We all understand how terrifying it is to leave your toddler behind with a babysitter. Sure, your babysitter might look like a trustable person, but you still have to do everything to make sure your baby is safe.
Also, you cannot peacefully work if you constantly think about your baby’s safety. But relax! Take essential steps to ensure your baby remains safe while you are away. So, install ADT security cameras in your house to ensure your baby’s safety.
Fortunately, with ADT pulse, you need not worry about keeping your home secure as they have all the equipment necessary to ensure robust home security.
Here are the qualities you must look for in a good babysitter.
Not Addicted to Their Phone
It is important to check that your babysitter is not always on the phone. You can politely ask them to stop using the device when they are with your kid. However, this doesn’t mean they must switch off the phone.
Instead, they must keep the phone switched on so you can contact them easily. But that is that the phone should only be for emergencies and such purposes, not for entertainment, and definitely not for distraction from your baby’s care.
Simply put, your babysitter’s responsibility is to look after your child because it can be dangerous if they neglect the child.
Registered with a Licensed Company
Always ensure that the babysitter is registered with a legal company because many babysitters work illegally. Do not get tempted when a sitter is charging you less. Try not to hire a sitter who does not represent a company or agency.
Remember to research and call references before you consider someone. You can also visit reputable companies without thinking about the cost. Yes, you read that right, as at the end of the day, the safety of your child matters.
Follows Essential Instructions
Do not expect your babysitter to know everything about your house! You need to discuss the do’s and don’ts because it is your house. Also, you need to discuss the house rules and what your expectations are.
Moreover, disclose information about your child as well. For example, if your child suffers from a food allergy or has specific schedules, let the sitter know. Leave them a number where they can reach out as a backup in case you are not available. a good sitter will probably ask for all these details themselves. Or at least, they will show the potential to understand and follow all these guidelines.
Attends Debriefing Sessions
A good babysitter is honest and makes your child comfortable!
Thus, once you get home, consider debriefing with the sitter. Therefore, they will know that they will always be held accountable in this way. You need to train your sitter on what essential steps should be taken in case of emergencies. Also, let them know that they are being monitored all the time. In this way, the sitter will refrain from lying. If your sitter is honest with you, then your child is safe.
Flexible Attitude
It is vital that the babysitter has a flexible schedule and does not create issues if you change your plan. The reason is that when you have a child, things rarely go as planned! Therefore, the sitter must be willing to accept your plans.
She should multitask and let things flow! In this way, their work will be enjoyable, and you will also be comfortable with them.
But do not trouble the sitter too much, as you might shoo them away! Try to keep them comfortable by being polite with them, and maintaining a reasonable personal space.
Final Thoughts
For parents, nothing is more vital than a reliable babysitter. Thus, finding a dependable babysitter can be challenging, but you can take the necessary steps to ensure that your baby stays safe with them.
So, if you have a child and are planning to hire a babysitter, make sure they are reliable and have the aforementioned qualities. We hope you will take all the necessary steps to make sure your baby is safe with the babysitter. Install ADT security cameras and monitor your child at all times.