Public speaking is an aspect that parents mostly do not think much about, initially. They only realize this when they see the performance of their kids at school. Speaking in front of a crowd can be quite intimidating, not only for the kids, but for adults too. It has become a very necessary life skill and everyone must develop it right from early stages. To make things easier for kids, they can start with public speaking games or activities.
Here are certain ways that can help your child ace the speaking game.
Observe the journey game
This is an exciting game that increases the engagement with your child even more. Here are the certain steps that the game involves:
- You can ask your child to describe their surroundings as much as they can within a minute or two. You can do this while you are outside with them, walking, driving, or on public transport.
- You can evoke thoughts in their minds where they will think more about various shapes, colors and others that are happening around them.
- When you repeat this activity several times over days and weeks, you will find that your child will be speaking more clearly and fluently. This will not only sharpen their speaking skills, but will also help them modify their observation skills too. Because without great observation, kids will not be able to speak well.
The woof game
This quirky game will help the child think instantly and present about it.
- You can begin with choosing a common word that your child knows.
- Now give your child a topic that they need to speak upon for thirty seconds.
- Every time the common word appears in their speech, they need to replace it with woof.
Example- Woof is a shiny piece of metal. I am not going to eat Woof.
Imaginary animal game
You can play this best with your kid when you are surrounded by a large group of people who can also join you.
- The game can be started by asking each member to think about an animal. They can be given a minute to think about how they can describe the same.
- The fellow members can then question them about the size, color, habitat and other attributes of the animal in question. They need to guess the name in that course only.
Besides these, you can also enroll your kid to the public speaking classes on Write On Q and observe their fast development.