More than seventy nations make use of the online classified advertising network Craigslist. The website has come a long way from its 1995 origins as an events email list; it now sees over 20 billion page views every month and produces 80 million new advertisements. Even though it covers everything from homes to rent to gigs to attend, Craigslist remains one of the most popular online ads websites because it is a great place for firms to attract individuals and post opportunities for free. This article will give detailed advice on how to use Craigslist to post job openings. For the job employment on craigslist the right kinds of solution is needed.
While advertising jobs on Craigslist does not cost most businesses anything, certain municipalities may charge a fee of $7 to $75. If you have a premium posting account, you also have access to the following features:
Provide the necessary contact information for the applicants.
If you aren’t using an application tracking system (more on that later), the next step is to provide your email address. Either your real address or Craigslist’s mail relay service will be available to you. When you enable spam protection for your email address, mail relay will create a temporary email address for you out of random letters and numbers. Candidates’ responses are sent to that address for verification before arriving in your inbox. Mail relay is a simple and risk-free solution to consider when using a public email address on a popular site like this one.
Include details that will be of use to your target audience in your advertisement.
If you’ve double-checked any relevant information about the contract type or telecommuting, you may go forward by clicking the “continue” option at the screen’s bottom. Once you have submitted all of the required photos to your Craigslist job posting, choose ‘done with images’ or continue to the next step to assess and publish your Craigslist job listing.
Processing Craigslist application submissions
In response to a job posting made using Craigslist’s free service, several interested parties will submit their resumes to the poster. Craigslist offers a mail relay service that filters out unwanted messages before they reach your inbox. This means that you need to keep a close eye on your inbox for the following several weeks. Among other things, you’ll be using email to conduct day-to-day communications, review and reply to applications, forward applications to team members, and keep tabs on comments. Not to mention scheduling meetings with prospective employers.
Workable, an applicant tracking system, will be useful. Workable is a piece of software designed to streamline the team hiring process. Workable collects applications from Craigslist in one easily searchable database, rather than receiving them one at a time by email. Each applicant may be given a profile in which team members can remark on their qualifications.
Putting Workable and Craigslist to use.
Even if you’re utilizing Workable to scour Craigslist for qualified individuals, you can still add them to a pipeline there for further consideration.
The inbox for the position is an email address set up specifically for the job. Please submit your resume and cover letter to the advertised email address. Simply copy the employer’s postal box number and paste it into your Craigslist ad. Workable’s applicant tracking system (ATS) will parse the resumes and utilize the data to create profiles that will be added to your pipeline at the “applied” step.