Many high school students want to get into top universities or Ivy League schools. They also aim to earn college credit by taking Advanced Placement or AP Courses offered by the College Board.
Students will take the AP Exams corresponding to their course upon completing their AP Classes. Unlike other standard tests offered numerous times throughout the year, AP examinations are held only one calendar day annually. In addition, even if the student is not enrolled in the courses, they can still study independently to take the test.
Among the popular options for self-studiers is the AP Human Geography Exam. This particular test is favorable to self-studying because of its strong focus on certain theories and vocabularies. Another reason this exam is a popular choice is its straightforward material. It is also one of the shortest AP tests with a time limit lasting two hours and 15 minutes. Furthermore, the test format comprises two sections – multiple choice and free response.
Students who want to ace this test will require a thorough understanding of field-related topics, including agriculture, cultural patterns, and geography. They must also be equipped with the necessary skills to take the examination successfully. Moreover, if they have additional questions, students can consult with reputable companies like Admission Sight.
AdmissionSight is a leading consulting company for Ivy League and college admissions. It can help students if they want to know how to get into Harvard. Currently, the acceptance rate of this university is 4.6%, which is a significant drop from its overall acceptance of 5.2% last year. The company can also guide applicants on how to get into Stanford.
With the right people to guide them, students can improve their chances of getting into the college of their choice.
Learn more about the AP Human Geography Exam and college admission processes and requirements with AdmissionSight.